Project Newsletter no. 2




Through the coop MDD project, we are working towards harmonization of Protected Areas management and development of a joint Management Programme for the future 5-country UNESCO Biosphere Reserve "Mura-Drava-Danube" (TBR MDD). This will guide our coordinated protection, restoration and education actions for many years to come, ensuring conservation of one of the most important European river corridors. 


Please visit the website or download our project leaflet in English, German, Slovenian, Croatian or Hungarian language for more information.




On 12th July 2017 coop MDD partners organised an International Kick-off event in Letenye, Hungary, to officially open and present the coop MDD project to the general public. The event also celebrated the 5-year anniversary of the Croatian-Hungarian TBR and recent inclusion of the Serbian Bačko Podunavlje into the UNESCO World List of Biosphere Reserves. After a morning study trip on the Mura River, the public celebration was organised in City Park under the 200-year old platana tree with festive music, food and information stands. Special “Amazon of Europe” mosaic was built by the partners and guests.


Visit the gallery.




The stakeholder engagement training, held between 26-28 September 2017 in Novi Sad, Serbia, was a great opportunity for partners to analyse key stakeholders and plan their involvement in the project and beyond. Starting from 2018, local action plans will be developed for first implementation of the Guidelines for a dynamic river corridor. Focus topics will range from environmental education to forestry and river revitalization. Also the Rivers’cools will be established where local stakeholders will be intensively involved. A study trip was also organised to Special nature reserve “Karadjordjevo”, part of Bačko Podunavlje Biosphere Reserve, latest addition to the TBR MDD.


Visit the gallery.




Coop MDD representatives participated at the 6th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) held on 18-19 October in Budapest, Hungary. As the 5-country Biosphere Reserve “Mura, Drava and Danube” is mentioned in the Action Plan of the EUSDR, this was a good opportunity to present coop MDD project to stakeholders from the Danube region. Together with other DTP projects focusing on natural values, we stressed that although natural values provide the basis for the economic development of the region, nature protection is not given enough attention in the EUSDR conferences. For more information on the EUSDR meeting please visit their website.




Representatives of project partners INCVP, IRSNC, Iskriva and Medžimurska nature (ASP) attended the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Youth Forum in the “Po Delta” Biosphere Reserve in Italy. The MAB Youth Forum delegates from over 140 biosphere reserves from 85 countries were particularly concerned with fostering attractive and long term employment opportunities to retain young people in the biosphere reserves. This can be achieved through promoting innovation with the help of business hubs, incubators and training programmes, to support business creation and employability.


Find out more.




During the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting and Partner Workshop organised in Velika Polana in Slovenia, partners reviewed the project progress in the first year, discussed the River School concept and design elements, and the Transboundary Management Plan. But besides hard work they also had the opportunity to get to know cultural and touristic offer of the region, part of which is also the Polanski dwarf story. They visited local cooperative Pomelaj where people with disabilities are employed for traditional artisanal work and production of local food specialities.


Find out more.




CLICK ON THE PHOTO TO SEE THE VIDEO: One-year review of project activities, happenings and results.


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Managing Authority | Joint Secretariat
Széchenyi István tér 7-8 - 1051 Budapest, Hungary
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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)