SMART FACTORY HUB Improving RD and business policy conditions for transnational cooperation in the manufacturing industry

Smart Factory HUB - Final Conference


In the era of the 4th industrial revolution and digitalisation, new perspectives open and various challenges appear for small and medium sized enterprises – either solution providers or manufacturers, who need to embrace novel technologies, principles, and approaches. How to overcome these digital transformation challenges and be ready for new opportunities?

Our Smart Factory HUB event aims to highlight the importance of Digital Innovation HUBs in digital transformation. At the same time, we aim to accelerate a real dialogue with the invitation of various actors presenting future funding support systems and opportunities. We create a live platform for discussions between policy-makers, R&D institutions, solution providers, production-oriented SMEs, Digital Innovation HUBs, and Business Support Organizations.

Place: Hotel Habakuk, Maribor, Slovenia

Date:  28th May 2019

Language of the conference: English

Planned duration: 9:30 - 18:00

Participation: Free of charge but prior registration is necessary.

The conference will consist of the following panels:

Panel 1: Smart Factory HUB success story

Panel 2: Importance of Digital innovation HUBs in digital transformation

Panel 3: Future funding support systems and opportunities

We are very proud to host renowned experts and representatives of European Commission, Priority Area Coordinators, Horizon2020 Programme, Danube Transnational Programme, and various research organisations, policymakers, universities, business support organizations and other, who will give valuable presentations to topics, such as: Success stories in numbers and achievements from Danube countries in the frame of Smart Factory domain, Capitalization activities, Lessons learned in establishing DIHs, Importance of DIHs at the European and regional level, Regional and/or cascade funding opportunities and many other.

Detailed conference programme is available HERE.

Marius Valentin Niculae (project officer – Danube Transnational Programme) - Opening speech

Panel 1: Smart Factory HUB success Story

1. Daniel Copot (Pomurje Technology Park) - SFH - success story in numbers and achievements

2. Renáta Csabai (Pannon Business Network) - SFH - Impact and consequences

3. Robin Mitana & Igor Pauliček (SIDAT Digital & Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry) - Success stories from Danube countries 

4. Marek Bureš (University of West Bohemia) - Success stories from Danube countries 

5. Radu Petruse & Ioan-Alexandru Gaurus (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu & Maier Werkzeugmaschinen) - Success stories from Danube countries 

6. Daniela Chiran (Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum/Steinbeis 2i) - Capitalization in the Thematic Pole 1 Innovative Ecosystem of SMEs and the success stories of Danube Transfer Center Network

Panel 2: Importance of Digital Innovation Hubs in digital transformation 

1. Andrea Halmos (European Commission - DG CONNECT) - The Importance of DIHs at the European level / Digital Europe

2. Dr. Christine Koppenhöfer (Priority Area 8 of the EUSDR, WG Digital Danube; Reutlingen University) - The Importance of DIHs – regional aspect

3. Balazs Barta (Pannon Business Network) - Success stories from Danube countries: Hungarian success story

4. Peter Statev (ICT Cluster) - Success stories from Danube countries: Bulgarian success story 

5.  Marko Močnik (Pomurje Technology Park) - Success stories from Danube countries: Slovenian success story

6. Roland Sommer (Association Industry 4.0 Austria – the Platform for Smart Production) - The Austrian Platform Industry 4.0

Panel 3: Future funding support systems and opportunities

1. Gregor Čufer (DG REGIO) - Funding through European structural and investment funds in the 2021-2027 period

2. Ali Muhammad (VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND LTD) - Cascade funding Horizon 2020 projects

3. Susanne Kuehrer (EIT Digital IVZW) - Cascade funding Horizon 2020 projects

4. Dr. Katalin Kovács (Innomine Group Ltd.) - Cascade funding Horizon 2020 projects

5. Marko Hren (Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy) - SFH Policy lab – Smart specialization and National funding possibilities

Tomaž Lapoša, Pomurje Technology Park (, +386 2 530 82 20)

Daniel Copot, Pomurje Technology Park (, +386 2 530 82 20)

Renáta Csabai, Pannon Business Network (, +36 30 584 37 28)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)