Learning by Doing Targeted capacity building of VET partnerships in the Danube Region for the effective modernisation of VET systems

Name Type Email Country
Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry Lead partner learningbydoing@bkik.hu HUNGARY
National Office of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education ERDF partner karvazye@lab.hu HUNGARY
Croatian Chamber of Economy – County Chamber Varaždin ERDF partner rpapec@hgk.hr CROATIA
Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce ERDF partner kejda@rhkbrno.cz CZECH REPUBLIC
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia ERDF partner andreja.sever@gzs.si SLOVENIA
Institute of Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training ERDF partner malid@cpi.si SLOVENIA
Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Vratsa ERDF partner cci-vr@online.bg BULGARIA
Ministry of Education and Science-Regional Inspectorate of Education Vratsa ERDF partner g_evdenova@abv.bg BULGARIA
Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture ERDF partner cmirea@cciat.ro ROMANIA
National Centre for Technical Vocational Education and Training Development ERDF partner okidli2000@yahoo.com ROMANIA
Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bratislava ERDF partner juraj.majtan@sopk.sk SLOVAKIA
Belgrade Chamber of Commerce IPA partner matica@kombeg.org.rs SERBIA
Institute for the Advancement of Education IPA partner gojko.banovic@zuov.gov.rs SERBIA
Chamber of Economy of Sarajevo Canton IPA partner lejlah@pksa.com.ba BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Ministry of Education, Science and Youth, Canton Sarajevo B&H IPA partner azemina.njuhovic@mon.ks.gov.ba BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Chamber of Economy of Montenegro Associated partner mperazic@pkcg.org MONTENEGRO
Ferenc Rákóczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute Associated partner gyulafodor@hotmail.com UKRAINE
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova Associated partner Inesa.iordatii@chamber.md MOLDOVA
Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Lower Bavaria in Passau Associated partner sonnleitner@passau.ihk.de GERMANY
Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry Associated partner claudia.kirchschlager@wkw.at AUSTRIA
MINISTRY OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND CRAFTS Associated partner dragica.karaic@minpo.hr CROATIA
State Institute of Vocational Education and Training Associated partner vladimir.vajdak@siov.sk SLOVAKIA
Solaris Development Centre for Youth and Environment GmbH Sachsen Associated partner ghennig@solaris-fzu.de GERMANY
Nestlé Hungária Ltd. Associated partner megyeri.mirtill.fruzsina@gmail.com HUNGARY

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)