EDU-LAB New Danubian Governance in Labour market Relevance of Higher Education

Pilot activities

In order to enhance a closer linkage between higher education and labour market needs in the countries of the Danube Region, pilot activities took place between October 2017 and April 2019 in Bulgaria, Serbia and Slovakia. The goal of the pilot activities was to test the feasibility of the policy recommendations and tools developed in the project phases. 

The studies describing the status quo analysis, pilot activity implementation and post-pilot activity analysis as well as the executive summaries are available here:

Bulgaria: study 

  • Participating project partners: the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA), Technical University of Sofia (TU Sofia) and the Municipality of Vratsa

Serbia: study / executive summary

  • Participating project partners: Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Serbia (CCIS), Institute Mihajlo Pupin (IMP)

Slovakia: study / executive summary

  • Participating project partners: the German-Slovak Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DSIHK), Technical University of Kosice (TUKE) and the Automotive Industry Association of the Slovak Republic (ZAP SR)

Technical University of Kosice (TUKE) (Slovakia): study / executive summary

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)