DIONYSUS - Final event held in Constanta


The public Final Event of the DIONYSUS project took place in a hybrid form (physical & online) on 23th November 2022 in Constanta, Romania. The main objective of the event was to inform all interested Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) stakeholders about the activities performed, the results achieved so far and the outcomes (deliverables & outputs) elaborated within the framework of the DIONYSUS Project.

The participants were welcomed by Mr. Silviu Meterna, representing Pro Danube Romania – the Lead Partner of the project. After the introductory words Mr. Meterna gave the floor to the keynote speakers.

Mr. George Visan – Commercial Director of the National Company – Maritime Ports Administration (Port of Constantza) appreciated the results of the DIONYSUS Project and the strong involvement of the Project Partners in the development of the river transport sector. 

Mr. Manfred Seitz highlited the importance of the DIONYSUS Project for the IWT activities on the river Danube and expressed his congratulation for the successful implementation of this project, for the excellent work done together by the Project Partners and by the external experts involved in the activities and tasks performed under the framework of the DIONYSUS Project during the last 30 months. Mr. Seitz also mentioned the very ambitious goals and the strong support of the DIONYSUS for the development of a more sustainable and cost-efficient transport system in the Danube Region. The Project is important also for the development of the ports (as part of the transport corridors) and their connection with other transport modes, namely rail and road.   

Ms. Monica Patrichi, representing the Romanian Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communication – Naval Transport Directorate and the EUSDR Priority Area 1a, recognised the importance of the project for the Danube region and especially in relation to the EUSDR Priority Area 1a aiming at improvement of the port structure and management. Ms. Patrichi noted the importance of the better multimodal accessibility of inland ports and the fact that the cruise industry, the transport of container and of the agricultural products are also included in the project. 

Mr. Horst Schindler, representing the Joint Secretariat of the Danube Transnational Programme and also as the Project Officer of DIONYSUS, greeted the participants and expressed his satisfaction that in the DIONYSUS project are involved partners from almost all Danube Region Countries. He stressed that the DIONYSUS Project is not an easy project to be executed, as it includes many partners and activities, many deliverables and outputs elaborated. Mr. Schindler also spoke about the future projects, submitted under the 1st Call of the Danube Region Programme, which will be assessed during the next months. 

The Final event gathered more than 55 participants – project partners, Port Authorities, Ministries, Port Operators and other stakeholders from the Danube countries. DIONYSUS project was launched in July 2020 to address main regional challenges in port infrastructure governance and planning to facilitate the integration of the Danube Region ports into smart and sustainable multi-modal transport chains.

DIONYSUS involves partners from 9 countries (Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Moldova). All interested Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) stakeholders were informed about the project’s activities during the lifetime of DIONYSUS, all national findings and achieved results. 

The Minutes of the Final event can be read here.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)