Danube Floodplain - Press Trip to the Hungarian project area, Fokorúpuszta


KÖTIVIZIG together with WWF Hungary organized a press trip on 22 June to the Hungarian pilot area, Fokorúpuszta by the River Tisza, near Szolnok. Local and national media participated together with local authority representatives.

Construction works have already started at Fokorúpuszta based on the complex floodplain reconstruction analysis which has taken into consideration the decrease of flood risk and ecological benefits. The works at Fokorúpuszta include dyke relocation, wetland restoration and land rehabilitation. When works have been completed, this area is going to be a good example of further floodplain reconstruction projects not only by the River Tisza, but also by other rivers.

„In the current foreshores, flood perspectives have to be considered. Land structure characteristic to the foreshores – forests, meadows, pastures, sidearms among which forests have become dominant – provide excellent opportunity. The original mosaic structure supports more the flood security. Along the Middle Tisza these perspectives prevail, as a result of ten dyke relocations almost 1500 hectare have become again foreshores, we have provided such amount of space to the river” – said Attila Lovas, Director of KÖTIVIZIG.

„In Hungary we have lost more wetlands than the global average during the last one hundred years. Nevertheless, these diverse habitats play an important role in climate regulation. Especially in Hungary where due to climate reasons more water evaporates than falling down as rain. Wherever possible, we have to give the rivers back their floodplains. This is beneficial not only for nature, but for society and farmers” – added Andrea Samu, Living Rivers Programme Manager, Danube River Area, WWF Hungary.

Participants also visited Bivaly-tó, which has been restored 15 years ago and now a thriving floodplain.

Photo gallery of the event


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)