LENA - Danube Soya Field Day- from NON GMO soya to NON GMO milk


In the frame of LENA project, Danube Soya Association together with partners organized „Danube Soya Field Day- from NON GMO soya to NON GMO milk” in Lugovo (Gornje Podunavlje) , which gathered over 200 soybean producers, input providers, processors, traders, feed and food companies. The Field Day was attended by local authorities and representatives from protected area.  The best practices in sustainable soybean production were demonstrated, showing diverse domestic soybean assortment, specialized machines for mechanical weed control with combination of plant protection products application and foliar fertilizers with respect to environment protection. In the light of this event,  sustainable value chain from non gmo soybean to non gmo milk is presented and the first certified Danube Soya milk from the dairy farm of Agri Business Partner from Sombor is announced.

This is the big step forward to Serbia in protecting nature values and local economy through development of sustainable domestic non gmo Danube Soya value chains. 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)