EcoVeloTour - “Ecotourism along the Rákos-creek - exchange of municipal experience” - online event in Budapest


A successful online event was hold on October 20, 2020 with the title "Ecotourism along the Rákos-creek - exchange of municipal experience", organized by the Corvinus University of Budapest and the Municipality of Budapest. The meeting generated further cooperation.

Within the framework of the EcoVeloTour project, the Corvinus University of Budapest is preparing the ecotourism development strategy for the Hungarian project-area, the Rákos-creek.

The developers of the strategy consider the dialogue between the project implementers and the municipalities - as the key to the efficient and sustainable development of the areas along the creek - extremely important.

On the webinar on October 20, 2020 the participating municipal and sectoral experts discussed and commented on the elements of the strategic framework providing important input to the forthcoming document.

As a result of the consultation, the need for further co-operation was expressed by the participants.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)