EcoVeloTour - Subotica-Palić Region Focusing on Tourist Information


Collecting ideas: planning starts here

Fund for micro regional tourism cluster Subotica-Palić, the Serbian partner of EcoVeloTour organized a meeting with stakeholders in order to present strategy to be developed in the project.

Stakeholder meeting in Subotica-Palic micro region

Thirteen stakeholders from various organizations (tourism, cycle-tourism, NGOs, cycling association, cycling info centre, bike camp, etc.) attended the meeting. After a brief presentation of the project, a constructive discussion ensued. All participants took part in discussion and we have really received a lot of great examples of good practice as well as ideas and suggestions for creating a strategy. The attendees have agreed to meet again when the draft version of the study is complete in order to make final comments and finish it. 

Primary goal: information service for tourists

In early 2020 the trendlines of the regional ecotourism strategy are declared. The main target groups are bike tourists, eco tourists and tourists who like hiking as a form of recreation. The document will serve to inform those tourists who want to know more about local tours and routes, resting place, sights and attractions, biodiversity specificities, where they can connect to the EUROVELO routes or passing nearby.

A whole chapter will be dedicated to the spectacles for tourists: what can they see and experience when going through the micro-region, as well as descriptions of possibilities, maps of variants of touring the micro-region on a bicycle.

The city government is committed to continue the construction of bicycle paths in the micro-region Subotica-Palić. In the strategy will be also included pictures of biodiversity, maps and descriptions of info boards for better guidance for tourists.

In the strategy will be also included the existing local cycling routes, which are an integral part of this type of urban transportation.

Special experts&special knowledge involved

Several stakeholders are supporting the elaboration of the strategy. In SWOT analysis development, all important stakeholder will take their part, as well as Danube Competence Center, as one of the project partners. Stakeholder opinions, ideas and recommendations will be incorporated into the strategy.

The most important external expert, who is in charge for strategy development is a person with great interdisciplinary knowledge and experience in valorisation of biodiversity for tourism purposes, a Master of Biology.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)