GREEN DANUBE - Final Conference
Almost 70 participants from seven countries were welcome in the beautiful Danube Delta by CERONAV, the Lead Partner of the GREEN DANUBE project to be presented with its results and to discuss about lessons learnt, challenges and solutions found, about the benefits of being involved in this project as well as about future plans and opportunities.
Message sent by Project Officer Ana Leganel to congratulate all those involved in GREEN DANUBE project was read by a representative of the Lead Partner and was one of the emotional moments as project partners remembered their work during the project and felt like their results were acknowledged and appreciated.
The project video was launched during the event along with a presentation of the communication activities held by the Pro Danube Management representative who also involved the audience in a live online survey about the project and what it meant for all those present.
DDNI team presented their work and acted like a host as the entire team was involved at all times in the field trip offering the participants valuable information about the Danube Delta and the visited sites.
BDCA team, in their quality of leader of activities concerning greening technologies, spoke about the deliverables and outputs of this work package offering the audience an easy to understand explanation of what it meant.
CRUP and DCC presented their Inland Waterway Transport Environmental Information Centres and the actions that involved quite a few events with tens of participants each, leading to a raised public awareness regarding environment issues and the IWT.
RSOE was happy to introduce a short film presenting their activities, especially those regarding the transnational campaign that involved travelling by car through four countries with their mobile Environment Information Centre, organizing events and meeting people, in particular children that proved to be very interested in their work.
ACTEDJ team, with their vast experience in EU funded projects, and their close connection with neighbouring counties, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, spoke among others about how important was to capitalize the project results with stakeholders in these two countries who considered that information received during the workshops or afterwards was relevant for their day to day activities and their strategic development.
All the other present stakeholders spoke about the lessons learnt during the national workshops and appreciated the information received promising to act as message multipliers by continuing to promote GREEN DANUBE project results.