
BAD RADKERSBURG, AUSTRIA – We are happy to announce the Mura-Drava-Danube conference that will be held on the 28th June 2019 in Bad Radkersburg, Austria. As our project is nearing its completion, the conference will also be the final event of the coop MDD project, an opportunity to present our achievements, share our experiences, and celebrate the rivers we are dedicated to protecting.

After the conference, participants are invited to join us at the “Flanieren & Radieren” street festival in Bad Radkersburg where the celebration will continue. If you are interested in the outcomes of our project or have an appreciation for the Mura, Drava and the Danube, you are welcome to join us in Bad Radkersburg.

If you register by the end of May, we have the accommodation pre-reserved. However, for later registrations, we will try to book accommodation, but cannot guarantee a room anymore.

We are at your disposal for any additional information and you are free to contact us at any time either through e-mail or send us a message via our Facebook page.


Register for the conference here!



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)