LENA - Third group of education for breeders of black Slavonian pigs


Otok, Vukovar Srijem County, Croatia 09.-16.05.2018.

From 09. to 16. of May in Croatia in City Otok as part of LENA project was held third group of education for breeders of black Slavonian pigs from the area of Vukovar Srijem County. This event was organized by PP3 VSC as one of main pilot activity from they side.

Education is organized with the aim of equalization the conditions of production and breeding of black Slavonian pigs. This event is organized in cooperation with Agriculture Faculty from Osijek and external expert with a doctorate on topic „Genetic analysis of black Slavonian pig“ professor Vladimir Margeta was a lecturer. LENA project manager from Vukovar Srijem County side Ivan Domac was a support to the professor.

15 participants were interested in this education and so we may conclude that this topic is interesting for the people from the rural area of this part of Vukovar Srijem County.

Some of the topics which they dealt with are: Origin of the breed, Anatomy of black Slavonian pigs, Selection and breeding of black Slavonian pigs. Genetic basis, Reproduction, Marketing of traditional products, Farm management system and other.

As part of this education there was also organized a visit of the farm of black Slavonian pigs where pigs are held on an open area in a traditional way what is the way we want to go in this breeding process.

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)