ATTRACTIVE DANUBE - Short review of the Second Slovakian National Workshop


Technical University of Košice (TUKE) organized the second national workshop within the framework of the ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project. Workshop that was a part of Central European Conference in Finance and Economics (CEFE) organized by Faculty of Economics, TUKE took place on 20-21 September in Herľany, near to Košice.

The aim of the workshop was to create a space for sharing knowledge and experiences between the academic community and representatives of the public administration from the national, regional and local level in the field of assessment of the current situation and proposal of solutions for ensuring effective regional development.


The Second Slovakian National Workshop

We were honoured to welcome representatives of Government Office of SR working on regional development in Slovakia, Health Policy Institute and Košice Self-governing region as well that held presentations devoted to the disclosure of what kind of data they work/would like to work with. Given that, discussion on measurement indicators for territorial attractiveness and the possible use of the National Spatial Planning and Territorial Information System (TeIR) at the national and regional level took place.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)