GREEN DANUBE - at Danube Commission on 17-20 October 2017


At the meeting of Working Group on Technical matters that took place earlier this month, GREEN DANUBE project was presented by Mr. Dejan Trifunovic, Counsellor for Exploitation and Environmental Issues for the Danube Commission, an Associated Strategic Partner in the GREEN DANUBE consortium.

The audience consisted of experts from eleven countries, members of the commission, whose initiative to involve the project in their document, Recommendations of ship waste management, part of emissions and air pollution from ship engines will be decided upon in April next year.

Just as a reminder, the starting point of the air emissions assessment activities in the project was setting the criteria for selecting critical areas where atmospheric emissions will be measured. After careful consideration of the proposals, the project partners decided on the following areas: Danube Delta - Sulina Channel, Iron Gates I, Gemenc in Hungary and the fourth area being at the confluence of the Danube with the Inn River, in Engelhartszell, on the border between Austria and Germany. The measurements have already started this month and will continue over the next 11 months at the four chosen points. The final database will be compared to the statistics in other transport sectors and solutions to reduce emissions that pollute the atmosphere will be included in a common strategy, an important output of the project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)