
To help jump start the collaboration of port community and help put the basis of the Danube Ports Network, the consortium has planned two major events in 2017. So far, the first Port Info Day was organized on 11 May 2017 at the Munich Logistics Fair, where it was held at the stand of the Austrian Danube Ports. There were more than 40 participants at the event including 14 of the DAPhNE partners. The Danube Ports Info Day facilitated a structured discussion on port development opportunities touching on topics such as port infrastructure, PPPs for port investments and innovation & new markets in the Danube Region.  Details can be read here.

The first Port Policy Day will be held on 18 October 2017 in Budapest. This event focuses on port infrastructure development needs, financing instruments, good practices in public funding and private-public partnerships. The work on the ports development strategy as well as on the Danube Ports Network will bring the first tangible results mid-2018, when the Danube ports SWOT analysis, the work program, financial model & business plan as well as the website of the Danube ports network will be published.

One additional event of each type will be organized in 2019.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)