LENA - Vukovar Srijem County: Free education of current and potential breeders of black Slavonian pig


Within the framework of the implementation of LENA Project Vukovar Srijem County (partner from Croatia) conducts free education of current and potential breeders of black Slavonian pig from the area of Vukovar Srijem County with the aim of equalization production conditions (selection of pigs, objects, feeding, processing into highly valuable products).

This is the Second group of education (the first one was in May) and it is held in Municipality of Drenovci – every group of education is in the different part of Vukovar Srijem County for the reason that all interested breeders can come and not need to travel a lot. Education will last until 20th of September and professional lecturer is professor Vladimir Margeta from the Faculty of the Agriculture in Osijek, who doctorate on the topic “Genetic Analysis of black Slavonian pig”.

On the first day of education Project Manager from Vukovar Srijem County Ivan Domac presented the LENA Project to the participants and introduce everyone with the activities and goals of the Project. Also on the first day of education partners from Serbia Danube Soya was guests and they held a presentation about their work. In front of the Danube Soya Project Manager Jovana Đisalov and Communication Manager Andrea Vučinić presented the presentation of the certification of the products according to the quality standards of the Danube Soy.

These activities are under Work Package 5 “Nature Capital Actions – Pilot Sites” and are related to the sustainable agriculture in the protected areas; in this case in the area under the Natura 2000 which is a pilot area of Vukovar Srijem County.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)